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Holy Souls Parish in Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire

A reflection from Pope Francis for the Year of Prayer

for the Sixteenth Sunday of the Year

In the Old Testament David - as pastor and king - prefigures Jesus the Good Shepherd and universal King, whose prayerful relationship with his heavenly Father sustained his whole life.  David was both saint and sinner, full of contradictions, yet in his vocation of leadership he was constant in prayerful dialogue with God.  Our lives are often marked by contradictory forces, but if, like David, we persevere in prayer, whatever our vocation and the difficulties we may face, we will come to know the closeness of the Lord and be able to share this joy with others.

To read the full reflection and find more resources at


Contact Details and Parish Clergy

Contact Details 

Holy Souls Church, Frodingham Road, Scunthorpe, DN15 7TA

Tel: 01724 844895

For both Holy Souls and St Bernadette's Churches

please e-mail:




Parish Clergy 

Fr Matthew

Canon Matthew Jakes - Parish Priest 


Deacon Sebastian (2)

Deacon Sebastian Grab



Deacon Sam Sheridan-Garrity



 Fr Krzysztof Kosciolek

Polish Chaplain 
